Staff (6.2019)
Lectures and Plenary sessions
Earl Hopper, London/GB, PhD. DFAGPA, former President of IAGP, Trainer and Supervisor Group Analysis
Maria Cristobal, Amsterdam/NL and Spain, coordinator of Task forces of Doctors without Borders in the Middle East and Africa
Gaea Logan, Chicago/US, AGPA, trainer and supervisor group psychotherapy Yaalom, facilitator of mindfulness and meditation approaches for team recovery including the UN
Nikos Takis, Athens/Greece, Trainer and supervisor Psychodrama and Group Analysis, President FEPTO (Federation
of European and Mediteranean Psychodrama Institutes)
Khader Rasras, Rmallah/Palestine, chief psychologist
TRC (Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for the Victims of Torture),
Gila Offer, Tel Aviv/Israel, Trainer group analysis EGATIN and GASi
Thanasis Hadzilacos, Cyprus/Greece, university professor educational science psychotherapy, project designer for the EU
Jorge Burmeister-Petulla, Granada/Spain and Switzerland, MD, Former President IAGP, Psychodrama, CBT Trainer and supervisor
English and/or Italian/Spanish speaking
Eva Fahlström, Stockholm, Trainer Psychodrama and Reparative Justice,
Member Board IAGP, Head Task Force for Disaster and Trauma Management
Ivan Urlic, Split/Croatia, Trainer and Supervisor group
analysis, IAGP and GASi
Mona Rakhawy, Cairo/Egypt, President Egyptian Society
for Group Psychotherapy (EAGT), Chair CAOA (affiliate organizations) IAGP
Ivana Petullá, Torino/Italy, Painter and Art Therapist
Dr. Maite Pi, Girona, Ex-President Sociedad Española
de Psicoterapia de grupos (SEPTG), Secretary
Dr. Cristina Martinez Taboada, San Sebastian, Ex-President
Sociedad Española de Psicoterapia de grupos (SEPTG), Co-Chair Educational
Committee IAGP
Dr. Concha Oneca, Ex-President Sociedad Española de Psicoterapia
de grupos (SEPTG), IAGP
Dr. Wilma Scategni, Torino/Italy, Trainer and Supervisor Jungian Psychodrama, IAGP
English speaking Trainers
Dr. Catherine Mela, Trainer Group Analysis, HOPE, Greece,
Vice President and Chair Research Committe IAGP
Marcia Karp, London, TEP, Trainer Psychodrama, IAGP
English, German and Spanish speaking Trainers
Group Dynamics:
Marieluise Mitterer Gehrke, Germany, Trainer group
dynamics (Lewin), DGGG and IAGP