Hotels and Pensions Granada Report Granada Academy 2002 Report Granada Academy 2003
and Pensions in Granada (near conference site)
Granada 2002 report The third Summer School in Granada was held successfully in May 2002 gathering 50 colleagues from several countries in Europe and abroad, gathering different approaches in group psychotherapy and group work (group analysis, psychodrama, group dynamics ) and gathering different working languages (English, Spanish, Italian and German). The venue of the Summer school is a Moresque palace in the historic district of Granada called Albayzin. The format of the conference is restricted to the maximum of 50 participants in order to guarantee personal encounter and communication during the week. It compromises large groups (each day a different style of conduction), small approach centred groups with one language and one so-called international group with different languages and different approaches: psychodrama and group analysis. Every day starts with a lecture on a specific topic related to the over all intercultural theme of the whole week. In the first edition the topic addressed the relationship between religion and groups (different psychotherapeutic schools resemble different religions with different cultures and similar types of conflicts inside and between them, Granada as the model of a peaceful coexistence between different religions and different cultures), the second edition addressed to topic of multicultural society/groups and identity. In the recent edition which explored the relationship between dream, myth and reality in multicultural groups also the Austrian Association of group psychotherapy (ÖAGG) together with the AEP (Spanish Association of Psychodrama) and COIRAG (Confederazione Italiana per la Ricerca sui Gruppi) besides the DAGG has taken an active role in the realization of the program. Next year the Summer School will focus on hopes, anxieties and visions of the Intercultural Future which attunes well with the topic of the Istanbul Conference. It will take place from the 2d to the 6th of June 2003.
The fourth Summer School in Granada was held successfully in June 2003
gathering 50 colleagues from several countries in Europe and abroad, gathering
different approaches in group psychotherapy and group work (group analysis,
psychodrama, group dynamics ) and gathering different working languages
(English, Spanish, Italian and German). In the recent year the academy
focused on hopes, anxieties and visions of the Intercultural Future which
attunes well with the topic of the Istanbul Conference. It has taken place
from the 2d to the 6th of June 2003. The average of participants from
non-german speaking countries is increasing in each edition covering this
year already 50%. Members from the organizing associations including IAGP
receive a fee deduction of 10%. Next year`s academy will approach the
topic of identity in multicultural groups: loss and pertenance of identity.
It will take place from the 7th to the 11th of june 2004. A detailed program
will follow also on the home page of the academy: Next article |
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