Registration form / Feedback / Comment
Registration fees: (IAGP members 10% discount!)
Before 8 June 2021: 590.- € / 530.- € IAGP members After 8 June 2021: 690.- € / 620.- € IAGP members Students: 340.- € / 300.- € IAGP members Couples: 890.- € / 795.- € IAGP members
Special fees for low budget countries or with economic hardship, e.g. East- and South Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Please ask or apply directly writing to
Dr Jorge Burmeister, Past President IAGP c/Horno de San Agustin, 3 E - 18010 Granada / Spain Tel.: 0034 958 293439 Fax: 0034 958 290337
(IAGP members 10% discount!)
Please register sending your request to the following e-mail:
Please confirm as well that you agree to transfer the inscription fee of the XVII. International Summer Academy in Granada on the Banc Account No: 367 722 BIC/SWIFT-Code: SOLA DE S1 KNZ IBAN-Code: DE56 6905 0001 0000 3677 22 by the Sparkasse Bodensee/Konstanz/Germany Holder of account: Dr. J. Burmeister