Organisation: Jorge Burmeister, Past President IAGP Elisabeth Rohr, IAGP
Email: Jorge Burmeister
"The International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes": The aim of the International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes is to represent and further develop the field of group psychotherapy. From its origin in 1954, the Association has included leading representatives of group psychotherapy and has comprised psychodramatic, psychoanalytic and other major schools of group psychotherapy.
"Deutscher Arbeitskreis für Gruppentherapie
und Gruppendynamik": The German Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Dynamic (DAGG) represents the scientific umbrella organization of the leading group approaches in Germany. It covers the following sections: group analysis, psychodrama, group dynamics, group methods in clinic and practise, intended dynamic group psychotherapy, social therapy.
"Österreichischer Arbeitskreis für Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik": The ÖAGG iis the professional association in Austria for accredited methods of group psychotherapy (accreditation by law, state examination). It embarks today about 1800 members. Professional experts and trainers in the field from different setttings and applications meet within its frame: supervision, organizational consultance, family therapy, group psychotherapy (mainly group analysis and psychodrama).
The spanish association of Psychodrama was founded in 1984. In the meantime it gathers about 100 members and eight recognized training institutes. 19 anual scientific meetings were carried through including international guests and symposia with reference to clinical and non clinical application of psychodrama. There are specially good contacts to the portuguese association of psychodrama. The results of the conferences are published in different volumes and monographies. The association is founding member of the spanish association of Psychotherapists (FEAP).
The C.O.I.R.A.G. (Organization of group analytical Institutes for Research and Training in Italy) was founded in 1982. The different institutes remain independent while they are cooperaing closely in the field of research, scientific conferences and in the publishing area. 1993 COIRAG becomes the only national training entity forgroup psychotherapy (group analysis and psychodrama) recognized and authorized by the state. Ther are four institutes today (Turin, Milano/Padua, Roma and Palermo). Since two years a central institute for research and training is improving the cooperation between the different institutes even more. The COIRAG is publishing an well aclaimed scientific journal regularly.
INSTITUTO DE LA PAZ Y CONFLICTOS - UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA The institute aims to foster a culture of peace which is much more than the mere absence of war. A positive definition of peace embarks as well the conditons for a just and sustainable human development and the fight against all forms of violence which do undermine the necessary development for persons affected by it. GOALS * To offer axiologic, epistologic and methodologic
knowledge and investigation on peace and violence.